Featured Cookbooks

Ramen for Beginners cookbook cover

Ramen Obsession Cookbook

Image is of the book cover for 5 Ingredient Cooking for 2 by Robin Donovan. The title is at the top in text and there is an image of chicken and potatoes on a plate with fresh rosemary and black pepper.

Campfire Cuisine Cookbook

About Robin

Photo of Robin Donovan in a kitchen.

Hi, I’m Robin, a cookbook author, recipe developer, and obsessive home cook. One of my absolute favorite ingredients is also one of the most basic: eggs. Think about it—eggs are used in just about every cuisine in the world and they’re served at all times of day from breakfast and brunch to snacks, lunch, and dinner. They’re even a crucial element in many desserts. Eggs are a binder, leavening agent, emulsifier, and thickener — even an aerator for fluffy, light-as-air concoctions. They serve as a structural component, and they add moisture, flavor, and color. Magic, right?! They’re also an affordable and easy-to-find staple. Here on Eggs All Ways, I celebrate the magic of eggs in all forms!